Director Ridley Scott talked to Speakeasy about hisanticipated Prometheus, opening June 8th and starring Noomi Rapace, MichaelFassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Sean Harris, Kate Dickie, LoganMarshall-Green and Patrick Wilson.
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Ridley Scott on Prometheus |
The official synopsis is as follows:
Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre hehelped define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the mostdangerous corners of the universe. The film takes a team of scientists andexplorers on a thrilling journey that will test their physical and mentallimits and strand them on a distant world, where they will discover the answersto our most profound questions and to life's ultimate mystery.
Scott added to Speakeasy that the central metaphor of thefilm is about a "higher being" who challenges the gods, and the godsdon't want to give him fire. "Fire is our first form of technology,"Scott says, and so by taking fire, the higher being is punished "inperpetuity in a horrible fashion.". Much like the story of themythological god, Prometheus, who stole fire from Zeus and for his actions wasbound to a rock with an eagle eternally devouring his liver.
He also said that the last eight minutes of the Prometheusstory evolve into "a pretty good DNA of the 'Alien' one."
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