"I wrapped a few days ago so that will be the last timeI'm taking that cowl off. ... I believe that the whole production wrappedyesterday, so it's all done. Everything's finished. It's me and Chris – thatwill be the end of that Batman era." So said Christian Bale about nextsummer's The Dark Knight Rises.
Bane takes on Batman |
While promoting his upcoming film The Flowers of War, theOscar-winning actor told the Philippine Daily Inquirer that he knew his co-starAnne Hathaway was perfect to play Catwoman when they shot her screen testtogether:
What does Bane |
"When Chris [Nolan, the director] watched the screentest, he agreed that Anne did a wonderful job. In many ways, she has thehardest job. There are a number of people who feel that the Catwoman role hasbeen defined previously. So, I always saw Anne's role as being the toughest jobof any of us. In my case, I've stopped referencing outside sources. I nowreference Chris' own world of Batman as a guide to what I will continuedoing."
Bale similarly praised Bane actor Tom Hardy as "aphenomenal actor." He added, "I know that Bane has been seen inmovies before. But, in my eyes, Tom is essentially creating Bane for the firsttime so there's great freedom for him to be able to do so."
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