Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

THOR 2 (Chris Hemsworth Speaks)

  • THOR 2

Thor star Chris Hemsworth has been discussing the departure of Kenneth Branagh from the Thor franchise, saying that he is sad to see the director leave.

"I'm really disappointed" the star told the LA Times. "Ken built that character and everything I know about the Thor world I learned while shoulder-to-shoulder with Ken. I learned so much from him.

"The start of anything creative is the most important period in a way. That's when the most can go wrong, and Ken made sure we got it right."

Branagh decided to pass on the superhero sequel so that he could concentrate TV and theatre commitments, with Marvel now looking for an alternate choice to steer the franchise.

We can just hope and pray that Marvel chose’s somebody that will respect and keep the elements that Bragnah brought us and then just build on that. Only then will Thor 2 be able to stand a chance and be good or even better then the first film.

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